Indiana athletic trainers' association |
The Indiana Athletic Trainers Association will be awarding an Athletic Director with the "Outstanding Athletic Director of the Year Award". The award will go to an AD who has shown professional support to athletic training in an exceptional and inspiring way. An IATA certified and licensed athletic trainer in the state of Indiana can nominate an athletic director. He or she must have at least ten years of service as an athletic director in the state of Indiana. The candidate should be enthusiastic and have a positive attitude and dedication to the athletic training profession. The IATA awards committee will choose the winning candidate. In the event that no nomination is received or the Awards Committee rejects all nominees the Executive Council is then responsible for putting forth a nomination. The award will be presented at the IATA Annual Meeting.
Please save forms as Word or PDF documents and email them as attachments to the Honors and Awards Committee. All other letters of recommendation and resumes should also be sent as Word or PDF documents as well. For questions, email
NOMINATION FORMThe following must be completed in order to be considered for an award: